Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Where Have I Been?

Amy, thank you for kindly noticing that I haven't much been around. I am still here - but attached to my computer in a different way than when I was blogging my heart out. I can't say too much without giving away my identity (and as I have mentioned before, every bit of gossip I have written about has actually happened-so I can't let anyone know who I am or where the store is), but suffice it to say that the writing I have done here has lead to another writing position. I have been publishing articles on subjects surrounding weddings for a while now - and I am writing enough articles every month that it has squeezed tight my available time for my blog. So, if anyone is STILL checking in to my blog, I'd love you to leave me a comment. This is what I want to know: should I continue this blog on the path it was on previously? Or should I open it up to discussions of all things wedding related? I suppose I could even come out of the proverbial "dressing room" and make myself known...what to do next?


Rieshy said...

I like reading your blog- it's such a different world from my daily life. It's generally a short holiday for me. Plus I have 3 teen daughters, eventually I will be in some dressing room somewhere:)

Elessara said...

I still read, and was pleasantly surprised to find this update. Glad to read that things are going well in your other digital life!

As to the future? I've enjoyed the blog in it's current incarnation, certainly - but my advice is to consider what makes the most sense for you to continue with in a sustainable and fulfilling way. Your readers want to hear from you - and the best way to make that happen is to finding a form/niche/outlet that fits into your already busy schedule!

Madison said...

Ah, you are back! I am just coming back from a five month hiatus as well...well maybe. I too am asking my reading public. But this is about you not me. So to answer your question: I would like to read more about crazy people and the crazy things they do. So yes, keep writing, but write about the dressing room, or all things wedding related, whichever keeps you interested and blogging.

Amy said...

I like the mysterious you. Don't come out of the dressing room -- but do keep blogging about it. I agree with the others, write about what you're passionate about. That's the stuff that's authentic and worth reading. Just keep it in the same vein as this blog is -- real stories, names changed to protect the guilty.